kiraniko. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. kiraniko

Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest Listkiraniko  A wave of compassion embraces the earth

They now boast superior poison and physicality, sending you off into a toxic nightmare if you lose sight of them. Palico: Prevents Panic. Generate, build and compare weapons and armors in Monster Hunter Rise. Monster List. Weapon List. Violet Mizutsune covers itself in flames and enters an Enraged State, giving it access to more moves. Malzeno's original form before it was tainted by the Qurio. Lucent Nargacuga hide in the night's fog and moonlight, springing assaults with neither shape nor shadow. Cristal nova x1. Flooded Forest: 8★ Haste Makes Waste: Slay an Apex Arzuros: HRP: 1,080pts: MRP: 0pts: 17,100 HP 16,340 HP 17,100 HP 17,550 HP 15,960 HP 17,100 HP 19,760 HP: Sandy. Beasts known to dwell in humid forest and mountain regions. Fire 100 100 100 Noios Kiranico Game Databases is a website that provides information and news about various games, such as The Legend of Zelda, Monster Hunter, and Pokemon. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Monster List. Light Bowgun. Recovery Speed 2. As their numbers dwindle, the beast will hatch more, at which point. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH3UM★4 暴徒大将的狩猎大作战!. LMAOOO Thanks, and no ive been using kiranico when I started 4u XD and the armor website ive been using it once or twice to speed up my build. By suppressing the Qurio virus, they have gained great strength and new abilities. Crystal prized at the Smithy for use in high-grade abrasives. 8★ 夜の湿地で化かし合い. Tobi-Kadachi. Monster List. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database. Available crowns are miniature (gold), large (silver), and giant (gold); for hunting the smallest, next to largest, and largest possible size respectively. Guard Angle. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Captain's Blade (Create) Element. Break Behemoth's foreleg. Malzeno has a body shape reminiscent of a European dragon, similar to Velkhana, with dark scales covering its body along with swarms of small, flying leech-like creatures called Qurio on its neck, chest, and front legs. At higher Health, grants Guts effects; at lower Health, boosts Attack and Defense. They're feared not only for their sinister appearance but also for. Auroros Gauntlets. From its tail oozes a strange golden fluid, which Almudron uses to dissolve the ground beneath its prey, arresting them in a mire so that it can drag them under. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH3U Thunder Alignment Lv 1. Felyne Acrobat. Its jaws are capable of crushing ice and rock alike. Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: ! Armors Rare 1. 精英·搔鸟头盔阿尔法. Weapon List. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. 除Lv3的效果外,偶尔还会不消耗穿甲榴弹与龙击弹,减少炮击的锋利度消耗。. Lv 1. Perform a perfectly-timed evade just as a monster attacks to trigger abnormal status buildup on hit. 76 comments. Weapon List. x1. Items. The sacred shoes worn by a maiden who protects the earth. Well known for using their thoracic vocal organs to imitate others monsters calls, first summoning them, then using the distraction to flee. A brightly glowing crystal. x2. La espada que doblega a la oscuridad. Silver Rathalos Shard x3. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to the original Monster Hunter Rise. 一夜之间毁灭了某个繁盛一时的王国后,就栖息在该国王城之中。. N/A. Sufficient Stamina. Quest Health Attack Defense Part Breakability Ailments Stun Exhaust MountMonster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database. 16 HP. Weapon List. . Berserk. Rathalos Shard. Wooden Wall (Black) Wooden Wall (White) M★5 A Light From The Abyss. (Wirebug Gauge recovery speed: Medium) While holding <OPT ZL>, press <ICON PAD_A> (Wirebug Gauge cost: 1) Movement possible with <ICON ANALOG_LS>. Dios Edge. 00: ×4. Ruby Basarios. 能看出受到了啮生虫的极大影响. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database金狮子. Hunt all large monsters. A monster shard altered by the Anomaly. All but blind, Khezu hunt by smell. Item List. 154. Garangolm are generally placid, living in regions with fertile soil. Jyuratodus. The effect duration decreases drastically when your weapon is sheathed. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH4UA monster characterized by its massive and rigid body. Rarity 1最大参加人数 地带 等级 体力 攻击力 防御力 破坏部位的容易程度 状态异常 昏厥 减气值 骑乘; 1: 1: 21,440: ×13. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Italiano English Français Deutsch Español Quest List. Its penchant to brush against the ground and the trees as it moves around builds up static electricity within its fur. . 现已成为禁止进入的危险区域。. 2. Search for a game object… (double tap ⇧Shift) ×Advanced: Predator into Prey. 高级木雕壁面. Eyewitness reports suggest that, despite its massive size, this mysterious behemoth is indeed capable of flight. 日本語 · Español . Yep, it is wrong the last time I looked. Qurupeco. Rarity 1 Kushala Daora. 传统壁面. 9 7 7Gogmazios. Felyne Acorn Spade α. Behemoth Great Horn. Poison (30%) Paralysis (30%) Burn (30%) Explosive Gas [Kinship Gauge: -18 /+10] Dеals non-Elеmеntal damagе to a singlе еnеmy. Abnormal Status Initial Increase Max Duration Damage Reduction; Poison: 400: 50: 600: 40Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. バルファルク | MHXX | Kiranico | モンスターハンターダブルクロス. Guarantees a large monster will appear when the hunting environment is unstable. Part Value Sever Extract Color; Head: 400: 200 RCrimson Glow Valstrax. Known as the Gold Fire Wyvern, or alternatively the Golden Moon, as inspired by their divine appearance. アルバトリオン. Known as the "Ice Dragons that Freeze All" or the "Iceborne Wyvern," there exist few records of Velkhana, as such, they remain shrouded in mystery. Skill Name. Quests. Saved the world from the Black Blight. Released on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows on July 9, 2021 the game revolves around a turn-based battle system where players can befriend monsters and ride them throughout the overworld with traditional role-playing features. Challenger +2. Book of Combos 2. Most weapons cannot be crafted directly, but have to be upgraded from other weapons. Weapon List. English . Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Armors Rare 5. Weapon List. A Great Izuchi forms a herd of many smaller Izuchi and selects two from the group to accompany it on territory patrols. Fanged wyverns whose bodies are streaked with electricity. Teostra are of such a fierce and deadly nature that the Guild closely monitors their movements. An ultra-aggressive creature that is rarely sighted and seldom survived. A database for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Evade with your weapon drawn, restoring Sharpness, reloading ammo, and applying phial coating. I don't see this triple requirement mentioned on Kiranico but it can be seen if you use an overlay. Basically always hunt target monsters, forget about mirror quests they are fixed size, and don't really bother with non-target either. x2. Primordial Malzeno. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. A monster with a carapace like tempered steel armor. 28 HP. Amatsu. Gogmazios. Fisheries Supply is your premier supplier of crabbing supplies from top brands. 116. Rare 4 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 500z. +15%. This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH4UWeapon Attack Weapon Ability Slots; Buster Sword I. The boldness of the standard Espinas remains: run-of-the-mill attacks won't rouse Flaming Espinas from their slumber. 条纹壁面【黄】. Very few will be able to withstand their ferocious attacks. An advanced chain of command lets them direct their offspring with a special sound-producing organ. 棘茶龙的刚角 x2. Rathalos Cortex. Quests. Noted for their projecting cranial crests and bluish-white skin that's adapted to snowy climates. Known as the Silver Fire Wyvern, or alternatively the Silver Sun, as inspired by their majestic appearance. 0. Tetsucabra Braces S. The sludge it spits is highly viscous, so watch where you step, lest you get stuck in it. 864. Some reports indicate that Velkhana will. 100. Fully upgraded weapons and armors can be augmented to further enhance their power. 25. High Rank. @kiranico_en. 訓練. 战痕黑狼鸟. ← Huge Lagniapple. +15. Increases Dung Bomb efficacy. Ailments Buildup Decay Damage Duration Other; Ivy: Mount: 65 +110 → 725 Stun拥有金属外壳的古龙,人称“钢龙”。据说其能通过呼风唤雨,使任何人都不得近其身。不过,依少量报告来看,在其中毒时便可轻易靠近。此外,也有报告显示,遭遇断角个体时,风压较平时更弱。Sufficient Stamina. Bishaten. Constantly on the hunt for its next meal. A Bazelgeuse variant whose body seems to smolder, like it could go critical at any moment. Monster Bone L. 可以在神秘炼金中代替怪异化素材的油。它的性质很不稳定,难以提炼。1 HP. Unlike normal Almudron, Magma Almudron live in the Lava Caverns, and can manipulate magma instead of mud. Blademaster - MH4U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Database. Amatsu glide through the air on currents they create using their wing membrane, making it look as if they're dancing in the sky. They mercilessly tear apart whoever touches their sharp scales. " This elder dragon typically secludes itself in the upper atmosphere, but it has been driven mad by its own rampant energy, causing it to lash out at anything in its sight. Monsters - MH4U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Database MH4U Monsters Seltas Desert Seltas Seltas Queen Desert Seltas Queen Nerscylla Shrouded Nerscylla Cephadrome Great Jaggi Velocidrome Gendrome Iodrome Yian Kut-Ku Blue Yian Kut-Ku Gypceros Purple Gypceros Yian Garuga Daimyo Hermitaur Plum D. Elementally unstable, their actions can affect the very weather. Frenzied Bloodlust. Take care that you don't get overwhelmed. " Along with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nests. Sufficient Stamina. " With powerful legs and poison-secreting tails, they hunt mainly on the ground. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Search MHXX . Follow @kiranico_db . Silver Rathalos Cortex x3. 怪物猎人 世界. +10. 75. Note: Attack move names were taken in the following hierarchy: in-game description, official web guide and official guide book translation. Behemoth Shearclaw. 生长在棘茶龙头部的刚角。. Brachydios Horn I. Base HP. Tetranadon. They may look like mere rabbits at a fleeting glance, but these strange and aptly named creatures glow with a mysterious blue light. 体力残量在一定值以上时,即便受到超过该值的伤害,也不会力尽倒下。. Monster List; Item List; Weapon List. Attacks decrease monster part durability 30% faster. Silver Rathalos. This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. 任务. +3. 冥灯龙. 122 Defense. Item List. Large Flying Wyverns with sharp, blade-like scales covering their body. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH3USufficient Stamina. (effective damage -3. モンスタ一一覧. Seregios are well-known as extremely territorial and belligerent creatures, wielding their aerial mobility and powerful hind leg attacks in intense combat against other large monsters. Tetranadon. A database for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Be careful out there. Zinogre. Weapons. 380 Thunder. Afflicted Shell →. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. 38 HP. Hunters Hub Key Quests. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Violent to a fault, witnesses have observed them using all their. . Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. ≥608. 30. Slaying. Weapon List. Weapon List. Light Bowgun. These useful parts are gathered and collected by Hunters in order to improve their Equipment and performance out in the field. 4. Skills - MH:World - Kiranico - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Database. 100%. Evade with your weapon drawn, restoring Sharpness, reloading ammo, and applying phial coating. 30. x1. 1. 103 HP. During hunts, they gather numerous Thunderbugs to boost their power and enter a supercharged state. Slightly increases the power of Spread Ammo, Shrapnel Ammo, and Spread-type arrows. Organizer Guide. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH3UThunder Alignment Lv 1. Its breath conjures ice spires from the mist it emits. The membrane along its tail fans out when it is provoked—a behavior theorized to be either an act of intimidation or thermoregulation, as it has been known to do so when it breathes fire. 增加会心攻击的伤害。. Risen Shagaru Magala. Hunt all target monsters. Weapon List. Guard Angle. 1. Chancе to causе еithеr Stеnch or Blastblight. The membrane along its tail fans out when it is provoked—a behavior theorized to be either an act of intimidation or thermoregulation, as it has been known to do so when it breathes fire. 21%. Water Attack 2. The ruler of the Wildspire Waste. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Armors - MHGen - Kiranico - Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) Database. The vapor around it is actually the expelling of trapped gases from the hordes of monsters Magnamalo has consumed. Augmentations require rare monster materials and Streamstones. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. 条纹壁面【桃】. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Easy-Breezy. Its appetite is infinite, and if it sees anything moving, it will gobble it up, dirt an all. Deep Dive Down. Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: ! Weapons. Teostra. Once its prey's movement is impaired, it closes in with spry, dance-like movements. Items - MH4U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Database. Released on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows on July 9, 2021 the game revolves around a turn-based battle system where players can befriend monsters and ride them throughout the overworld with traditional role-playing features such as. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. Weapon List. Weapon Attack Weapon Ability Slots; Iron Bow I. They secrete a special liquid that melts the ground, allowing them to move freely through the earth. 60. A fanged wyvern that flies among the treetops. Rarity 1Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. It's theorized that the dirt it consumes builds up in its stomach and aids in digestion. A monster with a carapace like tempered steel armor. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Anja Set α. Connecting special detonation threads to offspring in the area lets them expand the. Monster List. As such, its body is covered in vivid blue points of light, a color. 10 MV. 属性异常状态的耐性 2. Mizutsune. Sufficient Stamina. 57 HP. 精英·麒麟腰环阿尔法. A rare species of Rathian covered in shimmering golden scales. Skills List. Flooded Forest: 8★ Haste Makes Waste: Slay an Apex Arzuros: HRP: 1,080pts: MRP: 0pts: 17,100 HP 16,340 HP 17,100 HP 17,550 HP 15,960 HP 17,100 HP 19,760 HP: Sandy. Abyssal Lagiacrus is significantly larger than its more common relatives, towering over even some Elder Dragons. Lv 2. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. The legendary black dragon that obliterated a country in a single night. 大型モンスター. Ace Commander We've received word that a Hyper Gore Magala is in the Ancestral Steppe. King Size. Some reports indicate that Velkhana will. 条纹壁面【蓝】. Num Avg HP Stagger Attack Defense Exhaust Dizzy Mount [Village★3] Crustacean. HP. 外观因怪异化而发生特殊变异的怪物特浓血。. Anjanath. These. Narwa's Pure Breastplate. (effective damage +7. Tobi-Kadachi. Malfestio (3760 HP) Mizutsune (4324 HP) Seltas Queen (4888 HP) Seltas (2000 HP) Hunt all large monsters, not including Seltas. 28 HP. 48 HP. Gunlance. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Known for their aggressive nature, they become extremely agitated when trespassers set foot on their turf, attacking them. 154. It absorbs energy from its environment to heal itself and alter the ecosystem. Water Attack 2. A spicy bite to put pep in your step! A challenge for the boldest heat-seeker. While it is omnivorous, it has a preference for fruit, and keeps various fruits with all kinds of effects in its belly pouch. Espada Maestra deteriorada. 任务 - MH:World - Kiranico - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Database. Gypceros Greaves S. 1. Capture Behemoth. 1 HP. 40 HP. 830pts. Water Res (S) Extend Skillseal (S) Rare 7. Hermitaur Kecha Wacha Ash Kecha Wacha Lagombi Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: ! Weapons. Blight Resistance 1. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Armors - MHGen - Kiranico - Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) Database. Fire100 100 100 NoiosKiranico | MHStories . Rebirth guides the savior to a new life. Ukanlos. Violet Mizutsune are leviathans known for their beautiful lilac-colored fur. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. 1 HP. . +15. What does Baraniko mean? Information and translations of Baraniko in the most comprehensive. Lv 1. Gathering -1. Yian Garuga. Adrenaline Rush. Monster List. Tempered Investigation Reward. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Sometimes seen preying as a couple, Rathian and Rathalos cooperate well. Fire-breathing female wyverns, also known as the "Queens of the Land. Projectile Motion Value Element Poison Para Sleep Blast Stun Exhaust; Charged Shot I 7作为装饰品的素材不可或缺的珠子。. A Hyper specimen of Gore Magala is a deadly foe. Fanged wyverns whose bodies are streaked with electricity. " Its shrouded swings can inflict hellfireblight, which causes one to combust either spontaneously or when hit. Purple Ludroth. 55. Absolute Readiness. Weapon List. An elder dragon said to freeze all in its path. It releases the air in its body to move at high speeds. HP. Hub Quests: Master Rank. Base Size. Hub Quests: High Rank Skills - MH:World - Kiranico - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Database. Weakens the effects of Deadly Poison and completely prevents lesser Poisons. Reduces the likelihood of being Stunned by 50%. On offense, they strike their forelimbs like flints to induce explosions. When staying at the same area as raged big monsters, add Attack Up (S) and Critical Eye + 1. It also bears flammable venom that burns fiercely and lingers on the ground when lit. Light Bowgun. 704pts SP. Though they appear graceful creatures, the facade quickly fades as they envelop themselves in pale flames and bathe their surroundings in a beautiful, but deadly, inferno of white-hot flame. Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies. 52 HP. Dark Wings, Dark Work (Hunt a Gore Magala) A Thousand Scales of Dread (Hunt a Seregios) Fury Run Afoul (Hunt a Gammoth) Moonlit Bubble Bath (Hunt a Mizutsune) Heaven and Earth.